July 23, 2019

Positioned on the southern coast of Lake Michigan in one of the coldest regions of the U.S., Chicago provides nearly year-round perfect climates for mold and mildew growth in your home. Certain areas of your home, such as the kitchen, bathroom, basement and even your carpets are highly susceptible to moisture and, in turn, mold and mildew may grow – which could affect the quality of air.

During the warmer months, Chicago’s residents know how much humidity and moisture is brought in by the lake itself and the summer showers that come with seasonal changes. This humidity can seep into your home and create moisture in unexpected areas. In the winter, many Chicago homeowners and renters are faced with the possibility of frozen, broken pipes or even basement flooding from fallen snow once the temperature allows for melting – leading the water straight into your home. (Scary!)

As we’ve discussed before, most mold issues can be easily remediated. However, prevention should be of utmost importance – especially before seasonal changes – as oftentimes, the problem is not identified until it’s too late.

Learn more about mold and mold remediation here and discover how easy it can be to prevent mold growth in your home below.

Preventing Kitchen Mold

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Your kitchen is probably the epicenter of your home, and you may be surprised to find that it’s got the perfect nooks and crannies for moisture to turn to mold due to the level of activity, cooking and the general size of appliances that many may never think to move. Once a mold problem sets in your kitchen, it’s a little harder to completely eliminate. Here’s what you can do to prevent it.

Note: If you’ve already found mold in your kitchen, refer to our mold guidelines and give us a call for your free estimate.

Preventing Bathroom Mold

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Much like the kitchen, the bathroom is another typically humid, moist (and busy) area of your home and is therefore a great place for mold and mildew to find a cozy corner to grow. The key to your bathroom prevention is eliminating dampness as much as you can. There are a few simple ways to do that!

*Currently have bathroom mold? Scrub with detergent and water, then let dry completely. You may also use a solution of 10% bleach and 90% water (any stronger won’t help). Spray or brush on the solution, let sit for 10 minutes, rinse off and let dry completely.

If you have any questions, concerns or are already experiencing mold issues in your home – we’re here for you. Get in touch with one of our experts today for your free estimate.Post navigation

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